Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I HEART sailing :-D

After 3 days of sailing, we are back in the land of cell phones and internet connections. We sailed along the southern border of the Everglades for the past 3 days and it was AMAZING. The wind did not do exactly what it was supposed to do but we made it work. We saw so many stars at night, did not see any other boats/humans for two days, and got to let the dogs run on a desserted island in the middle of nowhere all morning. Granted we had to motor all day the first day, we did not get the wind we wanted (it was opposite day at NOAA apparently), and we started and ended today aground (not enough water in the anchorage first thing this morning and Captain wasn't paying attention and completely missed our markers and ran hard aground this evening)...

Now the Bahamas prep begins! Wal-Mart, provision, provision, provision, more Wal-Mart and then we sail back to El Griffins and then we go!! YAY!

Until next time. XO Nicole and the crew

1 comment:

  1. Hey, why does this seashell look so large? How big is it really?
