Thursday, March 24, 2011

Welcome to the Bahamas!!!

Getting to Bimini

In a word, amazing.

The morning was fairly still and calm leaving Hurricane Harbor off of Key Biscayne at 7am. We had a small engine flub first thing, something apparently in the fuel line and the engine pretty much turned off which kind of pissed me off a bit, because I mean, seriously? That is really not the way to start a trip but it worked itself out in about 10 minutes and we were fine the rest of the trip.

We entered the gulf stream at about 8:30am and other than losing the use of our depth sounder at 275 feet (typical) it was uneventful. (Who needs a depth sounder over about 20 feet anyway?)

The gulf stream is around 2000-3000 feet deep and the water is the color of the deepest, prettiest sapphire that you could possibly imagine. There was almost no wind so the sails were of little use to us which kind of sucked because we didn’t have them to steady the boat when the 2-3 foot rollers were coming in from a south direction.

At around 2pm we were able to start seeing the buildings on Bimini. We had a bit of knuckle clenching moment coming into a 20 foot wide opening into South Bimini in a bit more seas that we would have liked but thanks to our wonderful captain, we weathered it just fine!

We cleared into the country and then it was welcome to the Bahamas, Mon! We took the boys for a walk on the beach which they loved and we found a ton TON of sea glass. I also found a message in a bottle which I have never found! It was dated March 1st from a couple on  a princess cruise lines ship that lives in Ontario Canada. I am going to send them a post card.

We went to Alice Town this evening and now we are ready for bed (though I am going to score a shower that does not come out of a sunshower bag first!).

More at a later date! XO Nicole and the crazy crew
Approaching Bimini

Gulf Stream Blue!

Alice town!

Shrimpy and I

downtown Alice town

beach in Alice town



1 comment:

  1. Great Pix!!! Glad to hear that Starfish has safely made the crossing! Enjoy every moment... set your own sailing agenda... do a lot of snorkling and free diving... spear some grouper and lobsters and enjoy the feast!
