Sunday, January 2, 2011

& Happy New Year!

Hola Peeps! Welcome to 2011!! We have been busy enjoy this holiday season. Christmas day our buddies the Griffins rolled (well sailed) into town and we had them over for dinner which was awesome! We spent Christmas week saying we were going to go sailing but never actually doing so. We mostly hung out, slept too late, and hung out with friends. What can I say, we are overachievers.

New Years Eve was a night of FUN! We had Mark and Beth over for dinner and MANY MANY drinks. 1 bottle of wine, 3 bottles of champagne, a six pack of beer... you get the picture.

After dinner we decided that Beth and I were going to put on some sexy shoes and find a place to dance. Before getting there my poor husband took a digger on the dock. Soaked his foot and hit his head on the dock. Anyway, we found a bar with this awesome one man show playing bluegrass music and danced our feet off. I decided to switch to water at this point because you know, yeah I had had enough to drink. My husband was not quite as smart and did a tequilla shot and had two more beers.

Walking home from said bar barefoot was interesting. We made it back to the dinghy and then back to the big boats without anyone drowning. Saturday was not a good day for 50% of the Starfish/Sea Zen crew. The other 50% were fine :-)

We are now preparing to go on a few days sail... we figure our first sail on Starfish should not be the crossing the gulf stream...

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all have a great 2011!

XO Nicole and the crew

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear you are still among the living :-) Glad you had a delightful NYE. Write sooner rather than later!

