Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My poor little Dexter! (and actually me for that matter!)

14 December 2010 | South Pole
All I have to say is YUCK! I was sick all weekend with a nasty head cold. Thanks for that husband!! The cold weather is certainly not helping. The wind yesterday was out of control! It was a steady 25mph and it was gusting to 35mph!! Needless to say I did not sleep well last night.

Now on to poor Dexter. The humidty dropped so fast and it got so dry, the poor little guy is suffering from major dry skin and has scratched his neck and leg raw :-( He also has a nasty ear infection. So he is now hopped up on Benedryl, ear drops, and hydrocortisone. Good times. He is not thrilled.

Stay warm everyone!! XO Nicole

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