Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Baby it's cold outside!!

08 December 2010 | North Pole or South Florida??
Well hello there!

We are experiencing a bit of cold snap here in lovely South Florida. It got down to 49 degrees last night! I know, I know, my NH friends and my RI friends are telling my to F*CK off right now... up until last week I have not seen a temperature below 70 degrees in 9 NINE MONTHS so I my skin is not really thick enough for that anymore.

Living on a boat when it is cold can be challenging. We are not insulated in the same way a house or an apartment is and we don't have a "central" heating system. Our heat sources are our oven (my marina employee buddy affectionately calls that a redneck fireplace which I love!) and our small propane space heater. Part of the problem is also the persistent FREEZING NORTH WINDS blowing at 20-25 mph. It's like getting hit in the face with snowballs.

I certainly hope everyone else is staying warm, it's supposed to warm up again Friday and through the weekend and then we get another arctic blast Sunday night, thanks Canada!!!

Trying to stay warm, Nicole and the salty (icy?) crew

PS the image attached is not our boat or anything it is just how we feel right now

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