Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where the wild things are...

Well today was certainly not the most productive day ever. Got the Christmas gifts out and I finished our animal print pillows! Yay! We are back in the land of where the wild things are... I love it!

XO Nicole

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We be wrappin'....

That's my plan for this cold night, Christmas present wrapping. I am the ultimate procrastinator and the rest of my Christmas gifts for other people FINALLY arrived today so I am a wrappin' fool tonight so I can get the packages out before the end of the week so they have a prayer of making it to there destinations for Christmas...

I then intend to eat the apple crisp my Nanny sent me in the mail! She is the BEST! Thank you Nanny!! XOXO

One special note, to our dear friends on Sea Zen, be safe on your journey south! Can't wait to see you!!

HO HO HO! Nicole and crew

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hosting blog on new site

Hello Again!
This is a quick post as my fingers are pretty much frozen solid. The Starfish blog is going to be on this site now, here is the link: Starfish and her crazy crew!.

I lost patience with Sail Blogs as they were kind of ridiculous about pictures and being able to post a link to the actual blog page, they want money, money, money so I much prefer this website. Any questions for me and the crew can be sent to nicole.chambers at live dot com (in the correct format of course!!).

Stay Warm! Nicole

My poor little Dexter! (and actually me for that matter!)

14 December 2010 | South Pole
All I have to say is YUCK! I was sick all weekend with a nasty head cold. Thanks for that husband!! The cold weather is certainly not helping. The wind yesterday was out of control! It was a steady 25mph and it was gusting to 35mph!! Needless to say I did not sleep well last night.

Now on to poor Dexter. The humidty dropped so fast and it got so dry, the poor little guy is suffering from major dry skin and has scratched his neck and leg raw :-( He also has a nasty ear infection. So he is now hopped up on Benedryl, ear drops, and hydrocortisone. Good times. He is not thrilled.

Stay warm everyone!! XO Nicole

Baby it's cold outside!!

08 December 2010 | North Pole or South Florida??
Well hello there!

We are experiencing a bit of cold snap here in lovely South Florida. It got down to 49 degrees last night! I know, I know, my NH friends and my RI friends are telling my to F*CK off right now... up until last week I have not seen a temperature below 70 degrees in 9 NINE MONTHS so I my skin is not really thick enough for that anymore.

Living on a boat when it is cold can be challenging. We are not insulated in the same way a house or an apartment is and we don't have a "central" heating system. Our heat sources are our oven (my marina employee buddy affectionately calls that a redneck fireplace which I love!) and our small propane space heater. Part of the problem is also the persistent FREEZING NORTH WINDS blowing at 20-25 mph. It's like getting hit in the face with snowballs.

I certainly hope everyone else is staying warm, it's supposed to warm up again Friday and through the weekend and then we get another arctic blast Sunday night, thanks Canada!!!

Trying to stay warm, Nicole and the salty (icy?) crew

PS the image attached is not our boat or anything it is just how we feel right now

I am the worst blogger ever...

02 December 2010 | South Florida
So I officially suck as a blogger. Updating it once every two months, haha yay me!

Well we have been super busy. I uploaded a new picture of Starfish to show the work we have done.

Let's see since you last heard, we left Vero Beach, stopped and stayed with our cruising friends Glenn and Paulette. Thank you for your hospitality guys, we had a great time. We then went to Fort Lauderdale so I could go to the airport and I flew up north to see my family and to surprise my grandmother for her birthday. She was a little bit surprised. I am lucky she did not have a heart attack!

We are now kicking around in South Florida enjoying some cooler weather. It's been quite pleasant lately, 70s and 80s and no humidity.

We have been work work working!! We had our mast worked on, installed a new roller furler, painted the deck, installed cabinets inside, got a new dinghy and engine, sold our old dinghy and engine and about 2 million other things.

We are now ***ANXIOUSLY*** awaiting the return of our cruising buddies the Griffins and plan to hang out with them and then head to the Bahamas with them after the New Year. YAY YAY YAY!

Between now and then we have a TON of stuff to do. New water tanks. Refrigeration. Finish painting the cockpit. Provisioning like it's our job (stuff is expensive in the Bahamas).

I will try to be more consistent with the updates!

Happy Holidays Everyone!! Nicole, Dexter, Shrimpy, and Brian