Monday, May 9, 2011

A side note to all my friends who are cat lovers, a Dexter tale

To all of my friends that Dexter has tried to “play” with your cats… he got his ass handed to him by a crazy ninja cat that ambushed him last night. We were walking along in Hope Town and there was this enormous orange cat lying on the side of the road (looked like Bam Bam to my family that remember that cat). Dexter runs up to the cat to say hi. Out of nowhere this skinny little orange cat comes running out and starts beating the crap out of Dexter. The cat didn’t really hurt him other than a few scratches but the cat left him bleeding, crying, and cowering on the ground.

He was totally fine, though Mom and Dad did laugh because it was kind of funny and unexpected. We walked by a second time holding the dogs and the cat ran out again like yeah, want a piece of me??

So to all you cat lovers, he finally got his ass ambushed and kicked by a ninja cat.

1 comment:

  1. revenge for Lucky!!! that poor cat still freaks when a dog comes near the boat!!!!
