Monday, May 9, 2011

Hope Town

Hope Town

Hello All! We are amazingly where we said we were going to be!! I know, I can’t believe it either. We have been in Hope Town since Saturday morning and it is hands down my favorite town in the Bahamas so far. The town is gorgeous. Cute little houses, streets that are so narrow that only 1 car can go by at a time and the flowers are amazing!! It’s been great walking the dogs around off leash as there are really only golf carts to contend with that are not even allowed in the downtown area. We have been going to the beach, walking around town, snorkeling, and today we went to see the lighthouse. It’s 101 steps to the top and the view is breathtaking. Pictures do not do it justice. I have attached some pictures but really, get on the next flight to Marsh Harbour and come see Hope Town for yourself, it’s that nice!

Tomorrow we are going to sail over to Great Guana Cay and hopefully meet up with our friend Alan on S/V Cheal. He is our Irish friend that was headed to Bermuda and then back to Ireland but he wanted some home cooking so badly that he detoured to come find us J Alright perhaps there is more to it than that but we hope we will be seeing him on Great Guana before he jumps the pond to go home for the summer.

More from Great Guana! Take Care!!

XO Nicole, Brian, Dexter, and Shrimpy

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