Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Providence Island and then on to the Family Island Regatta in Georgetown!

So WOW we are back in the land of civilization. We are not even in Nassau yet and I am already overwhelmed by the amount of people/activity in New Providence. We have changed our plans again but this time not for any engine issue reasons! Imagine that!! We had a nice motor today to New Providence through the Tongue of the Ocean using our inboard engine which is currently working as it should! (thanks Harold, Alan, and Francois!!!). We plan to go to Nassau tomorrow and then head to the Exumas on Saturday.

You see we met these awesome people in Miami Beach. We saw them again in Bimini. Then in Andros. We hung out a lot. They introduced us to two great guys, Alan and Francois. They introduced me to yoga (thank you Jennifer!) and they are headed to the Regatta in Georgetown. So us being the stalkers we are, are going to follow them there :-P ...but seriously, we really enjoying hanging out with all of them and it's not like we have firm plans to be anywhere in the Bahamas so off to Georgetown we go!!

Well I will write more tomorrow. I am so tired tonight! Longish day on not a lot of sleep.

XO Nicole and the crew

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pictures from our cave explorations

The view looking out on the tongue of the ocean

Captain Henry Morgan's Cave
Beautiful view!



The cave!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The engine saga continues with good news…

Well here we are still in Andros deciding what our next step will be and our friends Sandy and Bill told us about a group of Mennonites that settled here in Andros and happen to be excellent diesel mechanics. We figured what the hell, let’s get a second opinion. We are soooo glad we did!!

The guy in Great Harbour was trying to pull a fast one on us and make some money off a few of gullible tourists. Turns out if we had tried to have him fix the “problem” it would not have done anything for us except take $1000 of our money!! As it turns out we were just having a problem with our fuel line. Our engine was pretty much starving for fuel which is why it sounded like it was only running on 2 cylinders. It’s like trying to suck up liquid through a cracked straw, not too effective.

All said and done we (meaning Brian) fixed the problem and we are now back in the business of having an inboard engine. YAY!!!

We hope to be off to Nassau in the next few days and then journey on from there.

Until next time Nicole and the crew

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sugar Beach Caves and tomorrow we are Andros bound!

Here are some photos of Sugar Beach Caves from today. Tomorrow we sail to Morgan's Bluff on Andros Island! Should be a nice sail, we are looking forward to it. If we have internet I will update from there if not, you will hear from us in Nassau! XO Nicole and the crew